Dear future lover,

Please know that you are dealing with a gentle soul. Although she may appear to be made out of titanium, she isn't. She has just had to pretend for a very long time. She spent years slaying dragons, only to find out that the prince she thought she was saving, was the biggest dragon of all... I know by now, you probably are aware of these walls that she has once again, built so high, and so thick that sometimes you feel like you don't even know her. I know this is annoying, and I know it makes you extra cautious. But please, don't be. Don't be cautious. She is desperately looking for any sign of truth, any sign of the yes, you actually do care what she has wants. She is searching for not only your words, but for your actions. She has heard every kind of 'I love you' that is out there, and honestly she is so tired of it. 'I love you' has sadly become meaningless to her. Meaningless without actions that is. She honestly still believes in the fairy tale of true love. She believes in happy endings, and every other cliche out there, even though she plays it off as 'too cool' sometimes. Believe me, she is not too cool. She wants the flowers, and the mushy good mornings. She wants it all. I know by now you are growing tired of her pushing and pulling games. Please, wait them out. Because yes, she is testing you and while it is fucking insane, she wants to know that you're in it for the long haul. If she cares enough to play them with you, she knows that soon the games will be over, and the real feelings start to kick in. So please, stick around. Get mad at her, yell even, tell her to stop the bullshit and that yes you do want her. Tell her to let you in. Tell her what you're thinking, tell her everything that you want to. She wants to listen, she needs to hear it. She is waiting for you. Also, future lover, please know that if she has stuck around, that you are worth it to her. You are worth all the late nights she has deciding if you are the right choice. You are worth her opening the windows and the doors of her walls. You are worth the waiting game. You are worth the hour long conversations and the late nights. You are worth a journal entry. You are worth it to her. So if you don't think she is, leave. Because if you have made it this far, she seems to think otherwise. Don't hurt her anymore. Just leave. But one last thing future lover, I hope you stay. I hope you wait, and let her give in. Because through all the crazy text messages, and mind games, she is worth it. She is the most wild, adventure-seeking coffee loving, talks too much, dances too often, loves to hard lady ever. She is an adventure in herself. I promise you there will never be a dull moment with her. There will be a life filled with inappropriate jokes, late night drinking--dirty dancing in the living room, inappropriate jokes and a whole lot of passion. She is worth it, and I hope you are too.

Love you maybe,
 present me. 


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