Hello, me again, long overdue as per usual. I haven't been writing lately, and sadly no better excuse than life has just been crazy busy.  Anyways, I just wanted to write a little post re introducing myself with some random stuff.

My name is Courtney, and I am 21 years old.
I am weirdly obsessed with sunflowers, and the pumpkin patch
I love the sound and smell of rain! ( currently sitting on my patio writing this watching the rain hit the cement and I couldn't be more content)
I have just recently moved to the Okanagon and I love it!
I love old books, well books in general, but old books just have a special place in my heart
I am either a hippie with no makeup, a sun kissed face and barefeet on the grass, or I am a city slicker in heels, with lashes to my brows. There is no in between and I like it that way.
I have a small, but very close circle of friends who I wouldn't trade for the world.
I have a passion for writing, but sadly am the best writer when I am sad ( working on this )
I love the trees, flowers, and water so much it sometimes gets weird....

Hopefully I will be back soon, with some better content

Love always,

Courtney Leigh x


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