I have been going through some pretty intense emotions lately. This happens to me every so often and quite honestly- it's exhausting. My mind has been so foggy from it that I literally come home from work and cannot even keep my eyes open, let alone focus on anything. I sit down and I literally feel dizzy from how fast my thoughts are running through my head. Its intense, and I cant control it. Honestly the best way to describe the feeling would be like being drunk. Like you know when you drink too much and all the sudden you're spinning-making 8 million decisions, and texting all the people you should not be texting? Ya that's how it feels. I have always always always been an extreme person. I feel in extremes, I act in extremes. There is no medium with me. It tends to be all or nothing and while this is not always a bad thing ( fuck I am scaring away all the bachelors jk boys i'm normal I promise )  it isn't always a good thing. Like I said the foggy whirlwind in my head is exhausting. Feeling everything so intense, and over thinking it all takes a number on me. All I want to do lately is write, and read and just relax and I cant. Even this little blog about all this doesn't make sense and I can already tell how messy it has become but oh well.. I said from the start this is an open diary and they are never perfect. Anyways I hope to be back to normal after this weekend of getting whitegirl and giving thanks to all life has given us-- stay tuned for normal sappy/angry/happy/confusing blogs guys.. If any of yall have even hung on this long



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