It's crazy how fast your life can change. As all of my readers(?) know this past six months has been the hardest, yet most important months of my life. I went from being on top of the world, my highest high, to the lowest low in my life. I was so lost, I had no idea if I even wanted to be alive. I felt completely destroyed. The day after I tried to end my life, I ended up getting driven to Merritt, to try and pick myself back up. I had no idea that Merritt would be the start to my new life. My very own life. Starting a new life in such a small town was terrifying. I was completely alone, with no one to talk to. All I had was me, and my job. I can honestly say that this place, and my job have truly saved my life in a small way. This job has made me feel so strong and independent again. I got blessed with the most amazing guys  that I work with. Aside from all their flirting and girly jokes they have taught me so much. They remind me that ya I actually can lift that piece of drywall by my damn self, and no they aren't going to hold my hand but they answer all my rookie questions. Sometimes even without laughing. But in all seriousness, moving away to this little town has not only humbled me, but it has given me my life back. I have had the privilege of meeting my fellow coasty, and he has easily become one of my very best friends. He listens to all my bad jokes, all my emotional breakdowns, and all my hoe life moments, and he STILL wants to hangout with me ( I think he is crazy ) but he's now my bestfriend and I wouldn't trade him or his drug dealer truck for anything. So thanks to you Thomson for helping me along this crazy life. These past couple of weeks I've had my lifelong bestfriend kylee decide to move up here, and now we are MOVING IN TOGETHER. I can honestly say I have never been more proud of myself in my whole life. I went from thinking I wanted to die to getting my very own place with my bestfriend. Holy crap when did I decide to grow up? I'm feeling more whole everyday, and I owe a lot of it to her. Having her here to distract me and love me has made all the difference. She reminds me that we can do this, and that we're doing it all by ourselves. It's scary, and everything has become so overwhelming but I'm truly happier, and stronger now. I feel a new sense of clarity, even though nothing in my life is really clear right now. But I'm starting to see that it's okay not to have it all figured out. It's actually really normal, and I know that everything will be okay. I have swelling so much on the past and my brokenness that I forgot how to just be me. How to just have faith that I got this, and I'm stronger than my past. I love this life, and I hope that if you're reading this and you don't know if you wanna keep your heart beating, that it gets better, and this life is so beautiful. You just have to be patient, and try to see your future. we all have a bright one, and we can go this. So here to every broken heart, every misplaced soul, and all the people who just aren't sure. Here's to us. We got this.


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