To my beautiful sister on her 23rd birthday,

There will never be enough words to describe how thankful I am to have you as my big sister. Throughout the years you have been my biggest supporter, my protector and my very bestfriend. There isn't anything in this world I value more than our relationship. I know that no matter what life throws at me I can always come to you for support and advice. You have taken all of my challenges on, and have helped me face every hardship I go through. You have literally saved my life too many times to count. Whether it's protecting me from the wrath of Mum, or agreeing with me over how stupid my ex is, you are always there. I truly hope you know I am your biggest fan, and I will be there for you no matter what. You are such a beautiful person, inside and out. There is nothing you could say to me that would make me think different or judge you. I will burry bodies for you. ( and you know it ) I love you so much lexie, and I cannot wait for all the exciting things we have in the years to come. Thank you for being the best big sister ever. Happy birthday xoxo


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