This is an open letter to all you broken souls out there.

I want you to know from someone who has been there that you are sincerely going to get through this. You're going to wake up one morning and not feel the burning in your chest, or the knots in your tummy. Trust me. I know you are reading this, and cringing because you are so unbelievably sick of hearing it. I know you don't believe me. I know you feel so alone, even surrounded by a million people. I know. I get it. I am by no means saying that this day will be tomorrow, this day may not be for a year.. but my darlings, this. day. will. come. So please, don't give up. I wanted to give up so bad--so bad that I honestly tried. I tried, and I failed. I was so broken when I failed that I cursed my guardian angel for saving me. I did. I was angry. But now, only a mere 2 months later. I am thrilled. I am so thankful that I got to get my chance to shine again. I am so happy. I could never thank my family and friends enough for getting me through my dark days. So please, my heart broken-soul crushed buddies. Hang on. Dig deep. Look in that mirror, stare at your reflection and tell yourself that the bad days will end. The sunny days are coming. You deserve your shot. I know that most days, you don't believe in yourself. I know that you smile, but on the inside you have this gut wrenching turning ache that is taking your breath away. I know that you have silent moments where the tears roll down your face so hot, and so fast you cant even control them. I know you lay in your bed at night- clenching your chest gasping for air. Begging god, the universe, jesus.. the wild-whoever-- to take the pain away. I know. I hear you. I feel you. but-- I PROMISE YOU that you will get better. The worst days have honestly yet to come, and the best days too. You are going to have this amazing little life. This extraordinary life. So please, darling, hold on. I believe in you.

Love always,


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