This is me. Trying to find the right words to describe yourself is sometimes not an easy task. Though lately I feel like I've really been finding myself, and I'm just trying to fit all my pieces back together. So like usual I'll take to writing them down. So, let me formally introduce myself.

I like to think of myself as curious. I have an intense passion for adventure and knowing a little about a lot. Nothing makes me happier than being beside the ocean with a coffee in my hand. I'm extremely passionate. This is both my biggest asset and my most dreaded flaw. I take everything I do seriously, and tend to feel feelings with intense emotion. This gets me into more trouble than I would like to admit. I have a heart that tends to be to big for most, but I have a temper that tends to burn bridges. There is no medium with me. I'm all or nothing. A lot of people cannot handle this about me. But the few that do, know that they have he most loyal loving soul in their corner. No matter what. I take extreme pride in my loyalty. There is literally nothing my friends and family could do or say to make me not have their back. I will never back down for them. That being said, I expect the same and if I don't get it I tend to lose interest really fast. I was blessed and cursed with my mind. It's a wild tornado of emotion, so many that sometimes I just cannot keep up. It's exhausting but it's such a thrill to fall in love with everything life has to offer. I have this really weird, very real obsession with fall. October in particular. I can being driving down a back country road in the evening and see the trees a million colours of Orange and brown, the barns dimly lit, the smell of the cool air. And I seriously get so excited no one can wipe the grin off my face. Even now, writing about it gives me a huge smile. A really wholesome feeling. I think I am at my best in the fall. I should've been an October baby. I kind of get this way about Tofino as well. I have never been more at peace than when I am there. It takes me breath away. It's my happy place. Really anywhere with some sort of body of water steals my heart. Although I have my many sunny days, I sometimes think I came from a dark place. I get these moods of rage where I seriously see red. I don't even think in these moments. I have zero body control. It's crazy, and a little scary. But that's just me. I am a whirlwind of surprises. I am a force to be reckoned with foresure. But I think this is an asset because I always keep it interesting ;) I used to be really insecure and not open up to anyone but these days I am an open book. I have nothing to hide, and everything to share. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I have a lot more to say, but I feel as though I am ranting. So this is me, in a small glimpse.


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