
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I've asked some opinions on what I should write next, and I keep getting the same request. " What's it like being with a woman?" "Have you always been into both men and woman" ect..   Honestly, I don't have a black and white answer for anyone. Vanessa came into my life at a very difficult, confusing time and she was the only person that made me really feel something. She intrigued me. She made me feel vulnerable and comfortable all at the same time. I liked it.  I had never been with a woman before and for once in my life I felt off guard. It was like being a virgin again, terrified of anything that could happen. This was a whole new world to me, and I was suddenly an amateur in my own life.   In the beginning I know I confused a lot of people, most of which were my family. They had never even heard me talk about a woman in a relationship aspect. Awkward conversations are bound to happen, but fortunately for myself I have an ext
The kindest thing anyone ever told me Was to stop looking for people in crowds Who will never look for you As soon as I stopped looking I ran face first  Into her A field of sunflowers  Radiating yellow Teasing the sun On the cloudiest of days 
3. "All the stars  just started to look like her and the wind would whisper secrets in my ear that  I never really understood until  now"
Old pages from my journal. 9. " He took something that did not belong to  him  I want it back"
10. "I like how when I look up into your eyes I can see myself  dancing around in fields of daises with my fingertips twirling through your hair while your hands wrap around my wasit I want to spend forever laughing with you-"
Thats the funny thing about pain it fades with each passing day you feel a little lighter And suddenly The flowers are blooming and the worlds... still spinning a little slower, now maybe and suddnely the dreams are of her and her hand winding in between your finger tips and her lips are on your forehead gentle softer, then before and suddenly you realize you're happy and it all came from pain
Hello, me again, long overdue as per usual. I haven't been writing lately, and sadly no better excuse than life has just been crazy busy.  Anyways, I just wanted to write a little post re introducing myself with some random stuff. My name is Courtney, and I am 21 years old. I am weirdly obsessed with sunflowers, and the pumpkin patch I love the sound and smell of rain! ( currently sitting on my patio writing this watching the rain hit the cement and I couldn't be more content) I have just recently moved to the Okanagon and I love it! I love old books, well books in general, but old books just have a special place in my heart I am either a hippie with no makeup, a sun kissed face and barefeet on the grass, or I am a city slicker in heels, with lashes to my brows. There is no in between and I like it that way. I have a small, but very close circle of friends who I wouldn't trade for the world. I have a passion for writing, but sadly am the best writer when I